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You Can't Push a Pig Into a Truck

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From the Author:
You Can't Push a Pig Into a Truck contains a series of descriptive and humorous stories with relevant, practical leadership prescriptions.
We can learn a lot about life from our stories. Whether it is growing up in the country, playing high school football, or showing a grand champion jersey cow at the county fair, there are lessons about leadership, teamwork, relationships and ourselves. You Can't Push a Pig Into a Truck was written for people of all ages who enjoy creative stories and seek advice on improving their leadership skills.
Baby Boomers who grew up in a rural environment will travel down memory lane while reading this book. Children of these Baby Boomers will better understand their parents with this book. Leaders will learn the value of storytelling to make strategic points and motivate employees. I hope that my readers will find value in all parts of the book.
Reviewer: A reader from Marietta, Ohio
"The book, You Can't Push a Pig Into a Truck is an entertaining piece filled with tidbits of education. I was fascinated by how Ray could take a simple, ordinary, everyday happening and turn it into a lesson-to-be-learned. As I began reading the book, I immediately felt I could see the event Ray was describing almost as if I were there. The author has a knack for describing the situation in words that are so real. I find myself reading faster and faster so that I can see how it is going to turn out and what the lesson will be at the end. After finishing a story, I go back and make sure I have not missed anything. I always review the leadership tip at the end and try to apply it to something in my life.
Ray's most interesting and down-to-earth way of writing makes learning from him so very easy. It is a small class in leadership that I can take right in my own living room. This book provided exactly what I need."
Ray, R. G. (2007). You Can't Push a Pig Into a Truck: Everyday leadership lessons. Little Hocking, OH: RayCom Learning.